
Last Updated: 2023-10-29 01:59:16
Fliddo provides you with an asset manager for searching and uploading assets to use on your website.  Currently, the manager supports CSS icons and images.
Icon Assets
The asset manager uses FontAwesome which is a free CSS library for producing the small images.  You can search for icons based on the class names defined in FontAwesome.  Icons are CSS class names that can be added in your HTML through a special <i> tag.  This will produce a single tone color image with the option set it's size and color.  The color and size of an icon is done through CSS code.  If you're using CSS icons on your website, it's a good idea to learn basic CSS.
The manager cannot be configured to use a different library, however, you can manually add any library to your HTML source code.
Image Assets
The asset manager allows you to search and/or upload new images to your website.  Any image you uploaded is are saved your websites public assets folder and can be accessed through the following URL format http://cdn.[your site]/assets/[file name]
Note: Fliddo automatically sets up a CDN for you when you create a site.  A CDN is a content delivery networks and provides caching capabilities amongst other things.  Caching images and other assets is a great way to boost the performance of your website.

The CDN is configured to cache your asset files for 2 hours before the content is renewed.  This means if you delete an image and upload another one with the same name then it'll take up to 2 hours for that images' content to get updated.
Your website's CDN cannot be configured at this time.
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