Http Api

Last Updated: 2023-10-29 02:01:34
The Fliddo HTTP API allows you to programmatically manage your website.  A couple things need to be explained before
using the API.  This includes access types, reseller accounts, inline API endpoint variables, API parameters and
and general response variables. We'll go over these in more detail.

First, the API requires a token to grant you access.  Once verified, the access token is paired with a client token to
grant your access to the fliddo API.  There are a couple of access levels available including developer, management
and partnership access.
Note: There is no development environment for developer and management API access levels.
This is your standard access level.  It grants your account access to automate tasks on your website including any plugin specific API endpoints you attain by installing plugins.  This access level does not grant you access to any accounts registered through your website.  This means you will not be able to modify account details or send messages through the API.
Note: This access level is free and can be obtained in your administrative portal.
The is your advanced access level. It grants you everything that developer level allows and also includes access to members accounts and messaging.

Note: Management access is free but requires you to contact us and explain your intent on its use.  Once approved you can create management tokens in your administrative portal.
The partner access level grants you full access to your API.  This is a reseller account which allows you to onboard customers and resell fliddo website services.  For example, you'll be able to create websites and manage customer content.     
Resellers, Managed Accounts and Partner Fees
This access level is not free and must be issued by fliddo but once your account has been upgraded, you will gain access to our wholesale subscriptions for websites and services.  It's up to you on which and how many services you want to implement.
There is a $100 per year fee to use our development environment and get your software ready for launch. Once your software is ready and you want to transition to a live environment, a subscription must be purchased for 349.99 a month for one year, after which, it's free.

Note: The partnership API uses managed accounts to onboard your customers, detailed later.
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