The following data is available for your email templates and is passed as your API callback parameters. This data is shared between all payment notifications.
Transaction Data
[ 'TransactionId', 'Created', 'Updated', 'Type', 'Status', 'Amount','AdditionalFee' ]
Account Data
[ 'AccountId', 'FirstName', 'LastName' ]
Card Data
[ 'CardId', 'CardHolder', 'Brand', 'Last4' ]
This notification is triggered when a member of your website sends payment using a debit/credit card. The payment can be either successfully processed or pending authentication.
This notification is triggered when a transactions is partially or fully refunded. The refund can be either successfully processed or pending authentication.
This notification is triggered when a payment requiring verification has been process and completed. Some payments require verification and will remain in pending status until completed.
The payment will either have a successful or failed verification status.